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From Club Penguin Music

Alehouse is a stock song composed by Willie Mcculloch released in the CD "Celtic Folk" and published by Squeedle Publishing-BMI[1]. The song is no longer available to be bought anywhere, though it used to be available on RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, SoundDogs and Studio Cutz[2][3][4].


The song featured for sale the regular version, the underscore version, which lacked the main melody, a 60 seconds version, 30 seconds version and a 15 seconds version[5].


The SWF used for the web version from this song is currently lost, and the music does not seem to have had an ID.

Usage Date Info Reference(s)
Lighthouse Party Sept 21 to Sept 24, 2006 It was played by the Penguin Band in the Lighthouse, and could be heard from the Beach and Beacon. If heard from the Beacon, the song's volume would be reduced.

It was unknown to many for a long time, and many mistakenly associated Ocean Voyage as being the song for this party[6], however it could not have had been true as Chris Hendricks had not began making music professionally until Thin Ice.

Club Penguin YouTube channel video March 17, 2017 This song was used on the video "How-To: St. Patrick's Day Hat - Disney Club Penguin Island", posted on the Club Penguin Youtube channel. [8]

Sale and Search for the song

The song is no longer available to be bought. It was last available on SoundDogs, but after the website's redesign, the song has not been available ever since. Because of this, the community was not capable of preserving a lossless version of the song for a long time, because despite the fact that the song was found on SoundDogs, the song was removed before anyone decided to buy it. The song was also available on RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, which was how the community discovered the underscore version of the song.

Eventually, a high quality version of Alehouse was found[citation needed][When?].

YouTube Link


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