All the Fun of The Fair

From Club Penguin Music

All the Fun of the Fair is an original Club Penguin song composed by Friction Music, being originally used for the Fall Fair 2007[1].


Usage Info
Fall Fair 2007 It was the main theme, playing in the Town, Night Club, Dance Lounge, Snow Forts, Plaza, Pizza Parlor, Forest, Cove, Docks, Beach, Lighthouse, Beacon, Ski Village and the Mountain.
Lighthouse It was the lighthouse theme, from an unknown time period, with the earliest footage in the Christmas Party 2007 and latest in the Winter Fiesta 2008[2][3].
Fall Fair 2008 It was the main theme, playing in the Snow Forts, Iceberg, Docks, Beach, Cove and Bonus Game Room.
The Fair 2009 The main theme, playing in the Town, Coffee Shop, Dance Club, Dance Lounge, Beach, Beacon, Docks, Ski Village, Mountain, Snow Forts, Bonus Game Room, Plaza, Pizza Parlor, Forest, Cove, Mine, Underground, and Iceberg
Igloo Music Released as "All the Fun of The Fair"

