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Licensed Music

From Club Penguin Music
(Redirected from In Summer)

Licensed Music refers to all the music that is owned from other intellectual properties and are allowed to be used in Club Penguin. In the game's later years, with Disney related parties becoming common, licensed music start being used. This page lists where the music was used in the game, for further information on each song, visit their respective articles.

Star Wars

Uses music from the movies "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back", and "Revenge of the Sith", as well as from the animated series "Star Wars Rebels".

Star Wars Theme

Binary Sunset

The Desert and the Robot Auction

Imperial March

Battle of the Heroes

Cantina Band

The Throne Room

Rebels Theme

Teen Beach Movie

Uses music from the movie's soundtrack

Surf's Up

Cruisin' For A Bruisin'

Pop Artist Music

Music from various pop artists.

Hoy Somos Mas (ES link)


Can't Blame


Uses music from the Frozen Soundtrack and from the Frozen Fever Soundtrack

In Summer

Let It Go

Making Today a Perfect Day


Rotten to the Core

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