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Puffle Party

From Club Penguin Music

Puffle Party is an original Club Penguin song composed by Chris Hendricks for the Puffle Party. In 2009, the first version of this song was released. In the next year, however, Chris created a remastered version, which was used in most times later on.

Original Version

The beginning of the song heavily resembles the song Coconut Mall from Mario Kart Wii. This was not a coincidence, as Chris mentioned it was the inspiration for the song, once he was having a hard time getting to the groove for composing it, though he would later regret making it so similar[1].

Usage Info
Puffle Party 2009 The secondary theme, playin in the Plaza, Forest, Cove and Iceberg.
Club Penguin: Game Day! Played during the Feed A Puffle minigame.

Remastered Version

At his own request, Chris wanted to update it since he was not happy with the quality of the original piece. Although it was an update, Chris notes he still feels like he could improve it, for example, by getting a real saxophonist. The song's melody and structure is mostly similar, with a change in the instrumentation.

Usage Info
Puffle Party 2010 It was the main theme of the party, playing in the Town, Dance Club, Snow Forts, Plaza, Pet Shop, Forest, Cove, Iceberg, Dock, Beach, Lighthouse and Ski Village.


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