SWF Music
"SWF Music" refers to the webgame's music which was uploaded as singular SWFs to Club Peguin's media server, on which each song would have a dedicated SWF file, which was named after a number, which has been popularly called by "ID" by the wide community. Specially in early years of the game, it was not uncommon for people to refer to music by their ID. However, with the progress of the game's years, the IDs became less and less useful for identifying music, due to the fact that some music did not belong to a specific ID, music started becoming reused in several different IDs, and some IDs were used for more than one song.
In early Club Penguin, the music was made available through the URL "play.clubpenguin.com/music/", which was eventually removed, and after that the music was available through the URL "media1.clubpenguin.com/play/v2/content/global/music/".
It is unknown exactly when music IDs started being used. Potentially being there since the game's beta release, the first three music listed, from ID 1 to 3, King of Kingston, I've Been Delayed and Communication are all tracks either believed or known to have been used in Penguin Chat 3, and might've been added at once.
Initially, ID number 4 seemed to have been skipped. ID number 5 and 6 were added at some point, which were both Crossing Over. Since it is known that Crossing Over was only used in around March of 2006, it is unknown if the date these IDs were added matches with that, or if the song had been added to the media servers before it had effectively been featured in-game. To add to this mystery, ID number 7 was Stealth, which was the PSA HQ theme, a room that had been added prior to October 2005, and being added as ID 7 would only make sense with Crossing Over's ID if either the HQ did not feature music at first, if Crossing Over had been added early on, if the order does not necessarily imply chronological order or if either track had been added long after being actually initially used.
Then, it seems that after ID 8, music was no longer added, and instead, the team started at ID 100, where Yessir was first added, and subsequent music was added. With the known timeline of music, it is most likely that IDs 1-3 were first added, then they skipped to ID 100, with IDs 5-6 and 7 having been added at some point later.
Starting at ID 100, up until ID 105, the tracks were likely added chronologically, though the presence of ID 104 being from an unused minigame might imply that the process of making the IDs predates the final release considerably, if the team was deciding on adding the minigame at the time. After that, the team started using IDs 200 and forward for new party related tracks, but continued using the 100s for other minigame tracks that were released, up until Puffle Launch. For unknown reasons, music from the Battle of Doom and Zootopia Party is also found in the 100s.
For most subsequent uses, the IDs remained in a chronological order from the 200s. At some other points in the game's history, specially at the very end, the game returned to the very first IDs, adding tracks back to the IDs below 100.
A list of all the music IDs.
ID | Song |
1 | King of Kingston |
2 | Communication |
3 | I've Been Delayed (also under "3_2.swf") |
4 | Coins For Change |
5 | Crossing Over |
6 | Crossing Over |
6 | Jungle Jam |
7 | Stealth |
8 | I'm A Mod |
100 | Yessir |