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Sled Racing

From Club Penguin Music

Sled Racing is an original composition for Club Penguin made by Chris Hendricks [1]. Although the game had been around since the game's beginning, it never had music, and for the longest time, adding music to the game was on the team's to-do list. However, only with the development of Club Penguin: Game Day! the song was created, as the team needed authentic Club Penguin music for the Wii version of Sled Racing, and it was added to the minigame in 2009. It was Chris' first song using the "GOLIATH" music package from East West sounds, using the "Blues Master" electric guitar. Since the song was too long for the minigame, only a small version could be heard ingame. This does not mean, however, that the files had the full version, even if you waited out on the coins screen, the song would not proceed to the extended part, which was only available in the Wii game.


Usage Info
Winter Party Played in the Ski Hill, Ski Village and all the rooms of the Great Snow Maze.


  • This song is partly inspired by "Shotgun Kiss" from F-Zero SX. Just like Sled Racing, that song begins with a slow and "cool" bass intro, increasing to double speed later.
  • Chris also animated the clapping blue penguins in the Sled Racing.


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