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Sparky's New Bike

From Club Penguin Music

Sparky's New Bike is a stock song composed by Paul Sumpter[1]. It is available for purchase on Shockwave-Sound.


Available for purchase is the full track, a 60 seconds version, a 30 seconds version and a set of 3 loops.


Usage Info
April Fools' Party 2007 It was the main theme of the party, being used in rooms such as the Town.
April Fools' Party 2008 It was the "indoors" theme, being used in the Pet Shop, Clothes Shop, Coffee Shop, Book Room, Lighthouse, Beacon, Sports Shop, Ski Lodge, Attic and Dojo.
Aprill Fools' Party 2009 The "indoors" theme, playing in the Coffee Shop, Box Store, Pizza Parlor, Lighthouse, Beacon and Mine.
April Fools' Party 2009 The "indoors" theme, playing in the Coffee Shop, Pizza Parlor, Lighthouse, Ski Lodge, Boiler Room, Underground and Mine.


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