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Crossing Over

From Club Penguin Music

Crossing Over is a stock song composed by Bjørn Lynne in around 2002 and published by LynneMusic[1][2]. It is available for purchase on NEO Sounds, Proud Music Library, Audio Sparx, Stock Music Site and Amazon. It is being streamed on YouTube (this is a manual upload, there is also an automatic upload).


For sale, there is the full track, a variation track, a 60 seconds version, a 30 seconds version, 9 different loops, labeled from A to I, and 4 different stingers, labeled from A to D.

Its first use in Club Penguin was in the file "5.swf", where it was split into 7 audio clips, with clip 1 being loop A, clips 2 to 7 being loops D to I. The first clip would play, and then after that, it would randomly pick between clip 1 and 2, and so forth, adding a new clip.

It was also used in the file "6.swf", which played them in a similar fashion to file 5, but there were only 6 clips, with clip 1 being loop A, clip 2 being loop B, clips 3 to 5 being loops D to F, and clip 6 being loop I.

It was later updated in slightly higher quality in the file "673.swf", where a single clip of loops A to I played in order, followed by loop I and then loop D.


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